How do you stay optimistic about the future, when you feel jaded by the fate of the world? Meaningful conversations with millennials about faith, hope and what – from God to Google – they put their trust in, in an uncertain world. We’re taking on the big, spiritual questions you’ve been asking your whole life, but never had anyone to talk about them with – until now. This is Keeping Faith.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Trailer: The Person Sitting Next To You
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
The world's an uncertain place right now. It's true.
And when times get tough, we begin to look for something - anything - to help us hang onto hope.
In the past, that's meant turning to religious communities and spiritual teachers to help us interpret the signs and show us the way forward.
And that can be very comforting.
But what if that doesn't work for you anymore? Or what if that never worked for you at all?
Who do you look to, to help you stay optimistic about the future, when you feel jaded by the fate world?
Well, what if it turns out you didn't have to look very far at all?
What if you could find support in the stories of people just like you - asking the same questions, working through the same challenges and still moving forward when times get tough?
What if your greatest spiritual teacher was the person sitting next to you?
All you had to do was ask them their story.
Well, that's exactly what we're doing on Season 2 of Keeping Faith!
Join us starting Thursday, Oct 15 for ten new episodes about faith, hope and what - from God to Google - you put your trust in, in this uncertain world.
Find us at keepingfaithpod.com or on Facebook & Instagram @keepingfaithpod. And subscribe to Keeping Faith wherever you listen!

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
We're All Deeply Spiritual
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
For our last episode of this season, we’re doing something a little different. I’m sliding into the guest seat to talk about my personal journey with faith, hope and how exploring spirituality has changed my life.
And who better to hop into the interview chair than our Episode 8 guest, my husband, Dave Photiadis.
Together we talk about my search for a faith tradition that reflects all of who I am. I share my love of sacred spaces as places to feel big feelings and ask life’s big questions.
And I reflect on the origin story of this podcast and my faith in millennials as a resilient, creative, spiritual generation with the capacity to change the world.
And we’re giving you our whole unedited conversation. Expect for a few, you know, ums and awws.
Because how do you stay optimistic about the future, when you feel jaded by the fate of the world?
Try out my spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
And if you want to reach out with your thoughts on this episode or this season, send us a message at hello@keepingfaithpod.com. We'd love to hear from you!
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
We're Here Now. That's What I Put Faith In
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
This week, we’re gleaning wisdom from generations that have come before us, as I talk to Rev. Lynn Harrison.
After years of frustration with her music career, Lynn took a step back. She became a Unitarian Universalist minister at First Unitarian Toronto, figuring her music would fade into the background.
But as she’s learned throughout her life, it’s in our moments of doubt that we learn we’re on the right path.
Lynn and I talk about the deep listening she’s done to figure out her calling. She shares the importance of reveling in life’s ups and downs and that being present to it all is where we find growth.
And she reminds us that spirituality is personal and a reflection where you are at this moment in life.
Because how do you take a step forward, when you’re unsure what comes next?
Try out Lynn's spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Absolute Truth Doesn't Exist And I'm Ok With It
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
After growing up in his mother’s radical faith tradition, Dave Photiadis left home on a mission to uncover the truth about life, faith and how the universe worked.
But as he began building new relationships and exploring faith on his own, he realized absolute truth may not exist at all.
Dave and I talk about his experience living a dual life within the faith of his family and out in the everyday world. He reflects on his process of coming to terms with his past and finding comfort in life’s unanswered questions.
And he talks about the healing power of nature and how it’s played a vital role in his own healing journey.
Because how do you move forward, when you’re still recovering from your past?
Find Dave's spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Writing Is My Spiritual Home
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
When Rachael Simpson left her family farm for life in the big city, she knew she needed to recapture that feeling of home.
So she turned to the spiritual practice she’s had faith in her entire life – writing.
Rachael and I talk about her life as a writer, finding magic and meaning in the everyday moments we often overlook.
She shares her passion for exploring history as a way to connect to her roots. And she reflects on home as a spiritual place – one you can create anywhere.
Because how do you feel at home, no matter where you are?
Find Rachael's spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
I Changed Faiths. It Was A Question Of Integrity
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
When Kate Werneburg decided to convert from Catholic to Anglican in her early 20s, for her it was a question of integrity.
And this pursuit of integrity has become central to her entire life.
Kate and I talk about the process of making your faith your own as an adult and finding practices and rituals that reflect who you are.
And she talks about her life as a theatre artist and how this work is informed by her commitment to creating justice and equality for all.
Because how do you stay true to your values, when you’re still figuring out what they are?
*Please note this episode very briefly mentions suicide.
Find Kate's spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Now Is Ok, Even When I'm Not
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
While recovering from an eating disorder in the hospital, Megan Bjella stumbled upon the contemplative practices of mindfulness, meditation and yoga – which changed the course of her life.
Megan and I talk about healing as an act of faith and how movement’s been central to restoring her relationship with her body.
And she reflects on how she’s learned to trust the present moment. And to take the journey of healing one step at a time.
Because how do you take a step forward, when you’ve taken a step back?
Find Megan's spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
I Left My Religion And Found My Faith
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Rachel Hearn was a devout Christian when a high school history class on the historical Jesus led her down a path of spiritual questioning and away from her Christian faith.
But instead of disappearing from her life, faith and spirituality became more important to her than ever.
Rachel and I talk about her swing from Christian to atheist, and how her years of personal exploration have landed her somewhere in between.
She shares her passion for asking life’s big questions and how she puts faith in the process of change.
And she reflects on how spirituality has become foundational to how she builds relationships and finds community.
Because how do you find your centre, when you’ve given up what you believe?
Find Rachel's spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
I Bashed My Brains In And I'm Grateful For It
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
When a wakeboarding accident left Leah Nielsen unable to read, walk straight or use a computer, she knew her life would never be the same.
But that turned out to be a blessing.
Leah and I talk about how in the 5 years since her accident, she’s had to lean on her faith for everything.
She shares her struggle with depression and grief. But how through her suffering, she’s realized she isn’t alone.
And she reflects on how losing the life she planned has given her opportunity and purpose she wouldn’t otherwise have.
Because how do you find your footing, when you can’t walk in a straight line?
Find Leah's spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Even An Atheist Can Find A Higher Power
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
When James Hampton stepped into his first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting as an atheist, being asked to find a higher power didn’t come naturally.
But he soon discovered an incredible sense of calm in giving over his fears and doubts to something greater than himself.
Now 4 years sober, James and I talk about the ease he’s found in sitting with discomfort and the faith he’s grown in the power of prayer.
And he reflects on his work as a high school drama teacher and the faith it gives him in the goodness of humanity.
Because how do you handle challenge, when you’ve let go of the one thing you’ve used to cope?
Find James' spiritual practice in our Spiritual Practice Library and dive deeper into this episode's topics on our Blog at keepingfaithpod.com
Facebook: @keepingfaithpod
Instagram: @keepingfaithpod